Wednesday, September 23, 2009

6 Ways Social Media Can Help Your Business

So you keep hearing that you need social media, but you're still not sure why? Let me explain. The world is in a constant state of change and the internet is no exception. As with everything else, if you don't keep up, you'll be left under the proverbial rock. It's no longer enough just to have a website or to simply be listed on Adwords are a start, but people are slowing turning to ward social media outlets, rather than search engines, for information. And why shouldn't they? With collaborative readers like Netvibes, all the information normally requiring multiple site visits is instead, placed on one page, with real-time updates. So how do you continue to reach these consumers? You get into their news feed. Here are the top 6 ways doing just that will help to improve your business.

1. Exposure. Once your business name is recognized by a consumer, your chances of being called upon for a particular service goes way up. Getting your name out in the online social world works the same as advertising for a much smaller price. Plus, you avoid being viewed as another annoying ad.

2. Better SEO. Posting links back to your site will increase traffic and boost your page ranking with search engines such as Google. If you can provide content that requires a minute or two to read or watch, it will prevent bounce hits (people who visit your site then immediately leave) which can bring down overall page rank.

3. Become an Industry Leader. As I mentioned earlier, technology is constantly changing. Thus, being on top of new and upcoming products and events is an important part of staying in the race. Subscribe to blog feeds, tweets, and fan pages related to your field; find out what's going on out side your doors. This will not only keep you well informed, but enable you to be the first to share information with others and attract fans.

4. Watch the Competition. Much like the social window you're creating for your own company, you can keep an eye on your competitors and what they're doing. Find out what they're saying and who they're saying it to, then do it better!

5. Feedback. People are already talking about you and/or your services so get in there and talk back! If someone's given you a poor rating, find out why and offer a discount on their next purchase. You might commend a positive rating in the same way to let consumers know you appreciate their support.

6. Valuable Employees. By displaying your company philosophy through your social media presence, you're more likely to attract potential employee candidates. It might not always be people who are actively seeking employment that are a good catch, so be sure to pay attention to who your fans are as well as their individual skills and achievements.

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