Saturday, May 17, 2008

Grid Based Web Design

By now CSS, or more correctly, CSS2 is the gold standard behind all new websites. Web and interactive designers find themselves constantly trying to keep up with the rules and constraints placed upon them. As code standardizes, web designers have coalesced into group that prefer one method over the other. At Digital Canvas, we have begun designing web sites that utilize the method of developing some sites based on 12 and 16 column frameworks.

This has allowed us to rapidly deploy sites based on proven site structure code. The evolution of CSS standards allowed content to be separated from structure and design. The grid takes it one more step and makes design independent of structural code.

Though designing within a structural grid can be extremely limiting, it lets us focus on the aesthetic and conveyance of content in a usable and accessible manner. Grid based web design is both a blessing and a curse, it allows code to standardized, but may also lead to standardized designs and a "thinking inside the div" mentality. But like with any tool, knowing how and when to use it, is more important that applying a blanket approach.

Learn more about CSS from the following helpful sites:

There are tons more, but these are the ones we refer to. BTW, CSS3 is coming soon. Stay tuned and happy CSSing!

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Click Your Mouse

Working with Eydie Pengelly Marketing Communications and the Texas Institute of Genomic Medicine, we developed the creative concept and tag for a series of flash ad banners that are currently running at and

Click on the GIF to see the animated version of one of them.

(Thank you to Joel Lutringer at Baylor and former FKM designer for the referral!)

Stretching Your Dollar

We were asked by Main Street Bank to make Ben Franklin smile for an teller booth ad and statement stuffer. Using Photoshop's CS3 liquify tool, and compositing bits and pieces from here and there, we were able to generate a pretty convincing smile.

And the finished stuffer piece:

Thursday, May 1, 2008

R2-D2 Media Center with Millennium Falcon Remote

I had to post this. $2,995. Click on the pic for the video.