Friday, June 11, 2010

Why Should Businesses Use Social Media?

Recently, a client asked me  "What benefits do you see for us in using social media?" This is such an excellent question I thought I'd share the answer with everyone.

I'm sure you've heard by now that social media networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) is all the rage for companies and you're wondering- but why? Other than the most obvious, over stressed reason of increased awareness,  these are some of the other top benefits:

  • Social media is more engaging that standard promotional campaigns. They allow you to interact with customers by holding contests or give-aways, conduct surveys, or just start a conversation.
  • Social media can make promotional content more attractive (people enjoying using sm platforms) & timely (real time status updates).
  • Studies have shown that customers are more influenced by recommendations given on social networks, which can lead to closing more deals (in some cases with less selling required!)
  • Increased search engine optimization from conversations about your company which can potentially driving more traffic to your website.
  • Gain insight on customer preferences and behaviors. By listening to the uncensored social stream, you can find valuable information that can lead to improvements in your product or service.

When we set up social media accounts for clients it involves determining their social media strategy and aligning it with with your core business and marketing objectives. Should it be a channel for sales, communication, customer support, or promotions? As part of the set up process, we'll help you get started with content. We also offer a package for continuing the production of content for these platforms if you decide you don't want to manage them in house.

Not sure if you want to sign up for all that just yet? We'll help you choose one platform to start with and help track the analytics to ensure you're getting maximum value.

Fill out a form at or give us a call and we'd happy to help you get started with social media.