If you work with Flash, I'm sure the title is rather appropriate. I've managed to find a couple of solutions to common and very aggravating bugs/issues related to Flash CS2 and 3. By no means do I consider myself an "expert", but I manage well.
1. Flvs won't work when running off server. - you need to have the .flv mime-type set on your server. If you're in a shared environment,you'll have to ask your host. Instructions are a variety of sites. Just search for "flv mime-type" and maybe your server type.
2. Swf files play, flvs don't show up. Mime-type is set already. Works locally, and when in subfolder, not when uploaded. Chances are you're organized and stuck your flvs, swfs, and code files in separate folders. For some reason, flash doesn't like this. It wants everything in the same folder which the original swf file was called, including the js file that is used to call it. When I'm doubt, put everything in one place.
If anyone can shed some light on these bugs, feel free to comment. We'll all be better off.